Americas first swept wing jet fighter. Early in the Korean war the U.S. enjoyed complete air superiority. But the Russian built MIG-15s appeared and swept NATO from the sky's. The U.S. needed a new fighter able to combat this menace. Enter the Sabre.  It was not better than the MIG buts its pilots were. The Sabre claimed a 20:1 kill ratio when engaging enemy MIGs. On paper the MIG outclasses the Sabre with a bigger gun faster climb rate and tighter turn radius. The MIG pilots didn't have as good of training and they lacked G-Suits. These are suits worn in combat that inflate to keep blood in the upper body to prevent blackouts. The U.S. pilots could pull higher G maneuvers and not have to worry about blacking out. This allowed U.S. pilots to pull harder turns and maintain higher speeds. This along with better training allowed the Sabre to take control of the sky's from the communist forces.


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