F-4 Phantom The dogfighter without guns

The F-4 was rolled out in 1960 after a Fairly short design period. It was originally set as a navy fighter bomber but was soon adopted by all the services as it proved capable in a multi-role role. The Phantom was a monster of a plane. Coming out at 65 feet long with 35,000 Pounds of thrust the thing could fly sideways. It lacked the agility of the soviet fighters it fought but it was much faster and had better radar systems. The main problem pilots had with it at first was the lack of guns. This meant that if it got to dogfighting enemy MIGs had the advantage in firepower as the early air to air missiles were not as reliable as was once thought. This was somewhat rectified with a gun pod but the pod could only fire at high speeds and if the airspeed got to low it could not fire. Late models introduces an internal gun. Even with this upgrade pilot kills were often scored with missiles. The missiles were very unreliable quote “Studies showed that 45 percent of Vietnam-era AIM-7s and 37 percent of AIM-9s failed either to launch or lock on, and after evasive maneuvers, the probability of achieving a kill fell to eight percent and 15 percent for the two types, respectively. The Falcon missiles were even worse, and the Pentagon later withdrew them from service.". But the F-4 could carry a lot of them.
The USAF Claimed 103 MIGs shot down at a loss of only 40 phantoms. The Navy got a better kill ratio with 40 kills and only 7 lost. It got to the point where Elaborate ruses had to be used to draw out enemy fighters in Vietnam. One squadron was used exclusively for ground strike against radar AA. They were called the Wild Weasels and also had a very high success rate in the ground strike role. Even with Its faults the F-4 is still used by some countries as their primary fighter. The Phantom is a long lived and very successful fighter.


  1. Well it seems we should have given the designers more time to make it smaller and improve the missile problems.

  2. You are so excessive with your amount of knowledge on planes. What fascinates you so much?

  3. Very interesting!


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