Russia claims to have shot down 70 missiles, not likely.

On Saturday April 14, more than 100 missiles where launched at Syria in response to an alleged chemical attack carried out by the Syrian government.  According to  The Pentagon "the U.S.-led allied missile strikes in Syria successfully hit all three targets and have “significantly crippled” Syrian President Bashar Assad’s ability to make more chemical weapons. The Higgins destroyer launched 23 missiles in all, the military added." 
The US has been very forthcoming with pictures of destroyed targets and information. The Russian and Syrian governments have also been very forthcoming with Information. The only problem is that the claims made by both sides are completely contradictory. According to the missile launchers all targets aimed at were destroyed. according to the missile targets only a couple targets were destroyed and over half the missiles got shot down. While I am biased in the American camp, the Russian claims are most likely false. The secret to debunking the Russian claims lie in the evidence. Fact is, they have no evidence. they claim to have shot down so many missiles and yet have no debris to show for it. Back when a F-117 Nighthawk was shot down the Iraqis flaunted the wreckage. Its still in a display. One would think they could recover at least a couple fragments from the missile. Instead they release statements saying that out of all the target only one target was was damaged and ALL the other ones successfully defeat over 40 missiles. Not likely. What most likely happened was a majority of the missiles hit their targets and the Syrians have nothing to show for it.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I appreciate that your blogs are so educational. It's so important for society to know and understand our country's actions, along with our positions with other parts of the world.

  3. I never heard anything about this before reading it here. Thanks for informing us.


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