
I am a 15 year old high school student with an interest in everything involving aircraft. I was born in Vancouver and lived in California for 5 years before coming back. I have one older sister and two loving parents. I am a second degree black belt and I do rowing at Vancouver lake Rowing Club. I have always liked airplanes and make an effort to keep up with important aviation events in the world such as the development of the F-35 and new doctrine. I have a large interest in historical aircraft stemming from an old show I used to watch with my dad called Dogfights. Hopefully I will graduate high school with a high enough grade to enter the Marine Corps. My goal in life is to be a Marine Aviator.


  1. That is so cool! I hope your dreams/goals come true! I NEVER knew you were a second degree black belt, you kick some butt. Rowing club sounds like a hoot

  2. Wow that is pretty cool!

  3. That's an amazing goal !


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